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Growth process

2006: the company was established

In 2007, znickel980 alkaline cyanide free zinc nickel alloy process was launched, which was quickly recognized by customers.

2008: launched a new generation of alkaline cyanide free zinc plating process Z60, with anti impurity ability, which has been highly praised by the industry.

In 2009, the company invested 10 million yuan to establish a R & D, production and sales center in Kunshan north high tech Zone, covering an area of 10000 square meters and a construction area of 6000 square meters.

2010: a new generation of alkaline cyanide free zinc nickel alloy process znickel990 suitable for barrel plating was launched, and its performance in all aspects was greatly improved.

2011: the company passed ISO9001:2008 quality system certification and ISO14001:2004 environmental system certification, and the technology development management and quality management are systematic and standardized.

2012: the company set up offices in Tianjin, Zhejiang, Chongqing and other places, and the products sell well in more than ten provinces and cities across the country.

2013: znickel920 acid zinc nickel alloy process was launched. Its wide application range and product stability have been highly praised by customers.

In the same year, the company was rated as the 'excellent enterprise' of Jiangsu Surface Engineering Association and established the Ministry of foreign trade. Its products sell well in Southeast Asia.

任我爽橹在线精品视频,少妇真人直播免费视频,精品人人妻人人澡人人爽牛牛,国产偷v国产偷v亚洲高清 布尔津县| 南雄市| 新化县| 巩义市| 襄垣县| 阿克陶县| 阿拉尔市| 廊坊市| 永丰县| 延寿县| 保德县| 泰州市| 章丘市| 建湖县| 法库县| 砚山县| 富民县| 武川县| 青神县| 丰宁| 高陵县| 青岛市| 东至县| 道真| 隆安县| 保康县| 凤阳县| 珲春市| 琼海市| 遂川县| 临桂县| 景泰县| 梁平县| 伊川县| 黔江区| 阳西县| 确山县| 辽宁省| 城口县| 台东县| 如皋市|