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About us

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Service commitment

The after-sales service personnel in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai will arrive within 24 hours

After sales service personnel from other regions will arrive within 48 hours

Feedback results of potion samples submitted by customers within 2 hours

Feedback results of workpiece samples submitted by customers within 48 hours

Provide customers with pre-sales and after-sales services free of charge

In order to provide customers with convenient and fast services, the company has opened offices in Tianjin, Chongqing, Zhejiang and other places

after-sale service

The company's laboratory is equipped with various precision small testing machines to provide customers with samples of various workpieces:

We analyze the cost, plan the process and technical training for customers, and solve the problems in the process of use.


Quality control

Surface treatment is a complex set of chemical reactions that you can see but can't touch, so the key to the quality assurance of surface treatment is prevention, not solving the problems.

Providing chemicals with stable and consistent quality is the key to prevent problems in surface treatment processing. Jiangsu Xiubo has a strict management system for the quality control of chemicals.

任我爽橹在线精品视频,少妇真人直播免费视频,精品人人妻人人澡人人爽牛牛,国产偷v国产偷v亚洲高清 泗水县| 弋阳县| 江西省| 罗源县| 治县。| 油尖旺区| 习水县| 桑日县| 延庆县| 大同市| 胶南市| 本溪| 天等县| 孝昌县| 温州市| 铜梁县| 临潭县| 洞头县| 高要市| 仁布县| 庆安县| 铅山县| 武城县| 吉首市| 革吉县| 扶风县| 万源市| 余庆县| 行唐县| 迁西县| 浮梁县| 开远市| 辉县市| 凤山市| 海伦市| 白水县| 桂平市| 永州市| 庄河市| 新民市| 泌阳县|