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Lianyungang Xiubo New Materials Co., Ltd. started construction in 2018 and officially started production in 2022. Located in the nationally recognized chemical park - Lianyungang Zhewang Chemical Park, with a total investment of 120 million yuan, covering an area of 20000 square meters and a building area of 12000 square meters.

The factory has a total of 25 sets of stirring reaction vessels, including 5 sets of stainless steel and 5 sets of corrosion-resistant and high-temperature resistant PP tanks, with an annual designed production capacity of 10000 tons. By adopting advanced DMS automatic control system, automatic control and recording of mixing, temperature, pH value, and weight have been achieved, and the quality can be queried and traced. The main raw materials are stored in storage tanks, transported by pneumatic diaphragm pumps, and weighed at the bottom of the mixing tank, achieving automatic addition and correction of the main raw materials.


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